What does a psychosocial recovery coach do
A Psychosocial Recovery Coach specializes in mental health care. During your recovery journey, a Recovery Coach will assist you in navigating the complexities of day-to-day living and gaining access to the services that permit your independence. At Wafii, we will assist persons with psychosocial disabilities in exercising more autonomy and choice. You will be encouraged to reflect on your own path to recovery, and we will collaborate with you to choose the optimal next steps. What exactly is Psychosocial disability? Psychosocial disability refers to a handicap that may be caused by a mental health problem. Not everyone with a mental health issue will have a psychosocial handicap, but for those who do, it may be severe, persistent, and have a negative influence on rehabilitation. Individuals with a mental health issue and a disability may qualify for the NDIS. How would a rehabilitation coach assist you? Psychosocial Recovery Coaches will collaborate with you, your family, your caregive...